After completing the reservation, we prepare the reserved car at the rental car rental office of your choice. Clickgoo initiates the car rental process by sending the reservation information to the car rental company. You can pick up your car from the pick-up point of the car rental company you preferred during reservation. After the car is received, all damages to the car will be recorded in the damage report. If there is damage to the car, the car rental company will record and sign the damage report. You can also pick up the car you rented from your address with the 'valet service' offered by some car rental companies.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed eget fringilla neque. Donec eu lorem blandit, dapibus nisl ac, convallis velit. Donec rhoncus felis vel nibh fringilla tincidunt. Nulla tincidunt, diam eget venenatis condimentum, lorem massa condimentum felis, non sodales leo massa eu felis. Nam nec dolor in libero semper volutpat. Nulla dapibus nunc quam, vitae laoreet neque sollicitudin eu. Sed quis nibh vestibulum, ultrices ex at, condimentum lorem. Suspendisse molestie erat urna, vel dictum elit posuere id. Nunc id orci quam. Aenean nec eros pulvinar, tincidunt lorem sed, congue risus. Quisque faucibus dignissim turpis, at sollicitudin ligula interdum eu. In aliquet ligula libero. Sed nec nibh nunc.