Membership Agreement
This Membership Agreement (hereinafter referred to as 'Agreement') ClickGooo Bilişim Anonim Şirketi (Company) Güzeloba Mah Çağlayangil Cd. It was established between Hatice Güleser İş Merkezi No:39 İç Kapı No:104 Muratpaşa/ANTALYA (hereinafter referred to as 'ClickGooo') and the 'MEMBER' who has accepted and approved this agreement.
ClickGooo, with the person who has obtained the membership position by accepting the membership application, will comply with the following conditions regarding the member's ability to rent registered cars and/or rent his motor car and/or use all kinds of services that ClickGooo will offer, as well as warnings, signs, explanations, texts and information on the platform. They agreed that the wage tables are annexes to the contract and are included in the content of the contract.
In the implementation of this contract;
• SERVICE: Without prejudice to ClickGooo's own leasing transactions, this agreement and Turkish Code of Obligations No. 6098, article 520 et seq. brokerage activity within the scope of its provisions and the use of the PLATFORM created by the members to carry out this activity,
• PLATFORM: By signing this agreement by contacting or by contacting ClickGooo, natural or legal persons who have become members by signing this agreement and being approved by ClickGooo, and ClickGooo can rent motor cars that ClickGooo is authorized to rent to third parties, and real person members can rent the relevant Electronic environment that allows users to rent cars registered on a web page or mobile application,
• MEMBER: All members, including the renter member, the lessor member, and the members who have not yet become a party to the service of the rental transaction, who have applied for registration to the PLATFORM and whose application has been accepted at the discretion of ClickGooo and obtained the right to benefit from the service,
• TENANT MEMBER: The real person who is the registered car tenant,
• RENTER MEMBER: Real or legal person who rents his registered car through the platform,
• REGISTERED VEHICLE: It refers to the motor car that is added to the PLATFORM if deemed appropriate by ClickGooo after the car information requested on the platform by the member who wants to rent his car is entered by the member.
• The member can apply for membership using the online application form on the website or mobile application. If a membership application is sent, the member:
• It has the qualifications set out in the contract,
• It accepts that it has sufficient financial power for the services provided within the scope of the contract and that it will immediately notify ClickGooo if there is a change in its financial situation that may prevent the payment of the fees for these services.
• Any membership application may be accepted or rejected at ClickGooo's discretion.
• If the member loses the qualifications set out in the contract, he/she will immediately notify ClickGooo about this fact.
• The member undertakes that all the information he/she provides to ClickGooo during his membership application and throughout his membership is accurate and true, especially his name/title, address, e-mail address, and if he is a real person, his driving history, place of residence, criminal record. . The member accepts that all the information he/she provides is up-to-date and agrees that in case of any change in the information, he/she will make the relevant change immediately and keep the information up-to-date.
The Member is liable to ClickGooo in case of any damage that ClickGooo may suffer due to any information provided by the Member regarding this agreement being misleading or inaccurate.
In addition, the member accepts that the documents provided by the member and the personal information within this scope will be shared with public authorities through the document verification service of ClickGooo or its affiliates and their employees and representatives, or in other ways, in order to verify that they match the information held by the institution issuing these documents.
The use of document verification to verify all documents provided by the member, especially identity and criminal record, may include the use of third-party systems and services.
In addition, the member accepts that ClickGooo will forward the information regarding the car subject to the rental transaction and the tenant member to the law enforcement units via KABİS (Rental Car Notification System). The Member consents to ClickGooo's use of third party applications for KABIS notification and/or to mediate and/or represent third parties for this transaction.
• ClickGooo is not a party to the rental transactions and valet services offered through the platform. ClickGooo acts as a broker in the rental transactions carried out between the tenant member and the lessor member.
Therefore, ClickGooo's primary performance obligation is the brokerage service. As a matter of fact, ClickGooo requests some documents from the members in this agreement, examines these documents as specified in this agreement, and the nature and examination method of all these documents are shared with the members and these issues are accepted by the members.
In this context, ClickGooo prepares the opportunity to establish a contract between the tenant member and the lessor member and members within the scope of Article 520 of the Turkish Code of Obligations.
In other words, the environment and conditions created by ClickGooo for the establishment of contracts between members are known and accepted by the members. In terms of rental transactions, cases where ClickGooo provides space on the PLATFORM to rent out its own cars or the car of others based on its right to sub-lease are reserved.
• As stated in more detail below, in motor car rental transactions, ClickGooo requires a copy of the driver's license from real person members, a snapshot (the front of the ID along with the person's face must be included in the photo),a barcoded motor car driving certificate, a barcoded place of residence (residence) certificate, a driver's penalty ticket. barcoded information document, barcoded criminal record record and passport information and documents for foreign nationals; The legal entity may request signature circulars or information and documents regarding the authority of representation from the members.
He can review these based on the information and documents presented to him.
ClickGooo does not examine whether the documents are accurate or not; It only checks whether the information presented to it overlaps with each other and whether there are any gaps between what is requested and what is presented.
However, ClickGooo verifies all barcoded documents created through the e-Government Gateway through the Document Verification service of the institution that issued the document and/or offered on
• ClickGooo is not responsible for the information and documents provided by the member untruely.
• The tenant member is responsible for any damage that the lessor may incur due to the tenant member's unlawful behavior and/or sharing of untrue information and documents. In other words, ClickGooo is not responsible for any damage that members may incur due to tenant members' unlawful behavior and/or sharing of untrue information and documents.
• ClickGoooNUN has no responsibility or commitment regarding the default of performance obligations between the parties due to rental services between third parties through the PLATFORM and the tax liabilities of these third parties.
ClickGooo provides services through the PLATFORM within the framework of its duty of care.
ClickGooo undertakes to pay due attention to the effective and efficient operation of the PLATFORM; However, ClickGooo does not undertake the actions of third parties who receive support in activating the PLATFORM in matters such as payment institution, mapping, data storage and accounting, accounting. ClickGooo will exercise due care in the selection of these third parties.
• Members acknowledge that the car rental system ON THE PLATFORM is based on instant rental; However, he/she knows and accepts that it is possible to rent at a later date and/or time by reservation.
• The Member will provide the information and documents requested by ClickGooo through the PLATFORM completely and truthfully.
• A natural person who is a citizen of the Republic of Turkey must submit to the PLATFORM the front and back of the driver's license, a snapshot (the front of the ID along with the person's face must be included in the photo),a video as shown on the PLATFORM, a barcoded motor car driver's certificate, a barcoded residence document, at least one year old. The driver may request to upload documents such as barcoded driver penalty information document, barcoded criminal record record, credit card information, bank account information (IBAN number).
• A natural person who is not a citizen of the Republic of Turkey must submit to the PLATFORM a copy of the pages in his passport containing his identity information and entry information to Turkey, the front and back of his driver's license, his snapshot (the photograph must include the person's face along with the front of his identity card or the page in his passport containing his identity information). and will upload the video as shown on the PLATFORM.
• In order to rent the car of the legal person headquartered in Turkey, the member must upload to the PLATFORM tax plate information, the signature circular or power of attorney of the person authorized to represent, a copy of the license of each car it plans to rent, and documents proving that it is authorized to rent the car if it does not have the ownership right.
• If businesses that are not headquartered in Turkey have a branch in Turkey, in order to rent the car, the PLATFORM must submit tax plate information, signature circular or power of attorney of the person authorized to represent, a copy of the license of each car they plan to rent, and documents proving that they are authorized to rent the car if they do not have the ownership right. It will upload.
• Businesses whose headquarters are not in Turkey cannot register to the PLATFORM if they do not have a branch in Turkey.
• Persons who will become members of the PLATFORM through contact with ClickGooo, other than electronically, will also submit the documents specified in this agreement.
• Members must purchase a compulsory liability insurance policy for the car to be rented, a land car insurance policy that covers the risk and roadside assistance support in case the car is used by third parties (tenants),and a voluntary financial liability (IMM) insurance policy that is not less than the coverage amount specified below. He/she will upload the cars policy, the registration of the car, documents proving that he/she is authorized to rent the car if the car is not registered in his/her name, photographs of the car as stipulated on the PLATFORM, mileage information, records regarding the accident history of the car - if any, and information and documents regarding the damage and malfunctions in the car.
• Legal entity members who are allowed to register on the PLATFORM cannot rent a car through the PLATFORM, without prejudice to other means prescribed by ClickGooo; However, they can rent their cars if they meet the conditions stipulated by the PLATFORM.
• Evaluation of the membership application and -if a car has been uploaded to the PLATFORM- related information is at the discretion of ClickGooo, regardless of differences such as language, religion, race and sect. A negative result of the evaluation cannot cause the membership applicant to claim any rights from ClickGooo. Likewise, the positive outcome of the application does not constitute a guarantee that the cars registered on the PLATFORM will be rented.
• The license of the car for the car to be added to the PLATFORM, information and documents regarding the authority to rent the car if the cars is not registered in the name of the lessor, complete and accurate information regarding the damage and losses of the car- if any, information about the accident history of the car, KM information and photographs as prescribed on the PLATFORM. It will be uploaded to the PLATFORM by the member who submitted it. It is at ClickGooo's discretion to approve the car on the PLATFORM and include it among the registered cars.
• The Member shall upload the information and documents stipulated on the PLATFORM, accurately and completely, to the PLATFORM. Information and documents will be formally examined by ClickGooo; There will be no financial review. Therefore, ClickGooo is not responsible for any damage that members may suffer if the information and documents are untrue. • As stated above, ClickGooo verifies all barcoded documents created through the e-Government Gateway through the Document Verification service of the institution that issued the document and/or offered on
• The member is aware of the documents and review method requested by ClickGooo from all members within the scope of this agreement. The member declares that all information and documents requested by ClickGooo from both the tenant member and the lessor member are sufficient for renting and/or renting a car through the PLATFORM, and that there is no request for an examination other than the formal examination made through the document, and that there is no request for any other information and documents in these transactions. declares.
These conditions are General Matters and the LESSOR is obliged to comply with the provisions of the contract presented by the LESSER within the scope of the issues to be determined by the LESSER and the approval of the contracts. In case of conflict between the above-mentioned obligations and the LESSER's obligations, the valid obligation is the obligations in the LESSER's contract.
• The tenant member must have the license to drive cars registered on the PLATFORM in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Turkey. The license must be at least two years old. If the member's motor car driving certificate is suspended or revoked in any way, the member must immediately notify ClickGooo. Suspension or cancellation of the member's driver's license does not prevent the member from renting his/her car(s) through the PLATFORM.
• The Member accepts the letters and tables regarding the fees stipulated on the PLATFORM.
• For the cars that the tenant member will rent through the PLATFORM, in addition to the rental fee, additional payment obligations such as compensation due to possible delay, penalty, damage and/or loss, parking fee, HGS fee will be provisioned from his credit card as a reserve share in the amount and/or rate determined on the PLATFORM. Unless additional payment obligations arise, the relevant amount will be refunded to the credit card at the end of the provision period. Provisioning period may vary between banks.
• The tenant member's credit card information will be stored at third party payment institutions or intermediaries with which ClickGooo has a contractual relationship. At the end of each rental transaction, this information will continue to be stored in the system to constitute a guarantee for the obligations of the tenant member. • The tenant member agrees to pay the rental fee stipulated by the lessor member and - if any - the service fee stipulated in the PLATFORM.
• In accordance with the Turkish Penal Code No. 5237 or other laws, the tenant member is subject to disgraceful crimes such as simple or qualified embezzlement, embezzlement, extortion, bribery, theft, fraud, forgery, abuse of faith, fraudulent bankruptcy, and smuggling crimes other than exploitation and consumption smuggling, official rigging tenders and purchases, money laundering or crimes against the personality of the State and revealing State secrets, crimes against the signs of sovereignty of the State and the dignity of its organs, crimes against the security of the State, crimes against the constitutional order and the functioning of this order, crimes against national defense, crimes against the State, He must not be convicted of crimes against secrets and espionage, crimes against relations with foreign states, tax evasion or participation in these crimes.
• The tenant member is responsible for any income loss that the lessor may incur due to the improper use of the car rented via the PLATFORM by the tenant member or the delay in the delivery of the car. The tenant member knows and accepts the fee tables, warnings, signs and writings determined on the PLATFORM regarding this responsibility.
• Before refueling, the tenant member must check the fuel type of the car and the fuel octane number - if any - specified by the car owner and fill the fuel tank accordingly. The renter member is responsible for the costs and any loss or damage arising from putting the wrong type of fuel into the car.
The tenant member accepts that the warnings, signs and texts ON THE PLATFORM are a part of the contract.
• In case of delay in leaving the car to the designated location, the tenant member agrees to pay the delay fee stipulated on the PLATFORM and/or the TL equivalent of the fuel difference at market value if the car is delivered with less fuel than the amount at the time of receipt.
If a cleaning fee is stipulated for the car on the PLATFORM, this fee will be paid by the tenant member. These payments will be collected from the tenant member's credit card registered on the PLATFORM; The lessor member's right to receivable regarding the uncollected portion is reserved.
However, ClickGooo has no liability for the uncollected amount. In case of request, ClickGooo may provide legal assistance to the member who suffered damage.
• When receiving the car, the tenant member must examine the interior and exterior of the car and, by starting the car, determine whether there is a fault in the mechanical and electronic parts.
This inspection obligation is valid for clearly identifiable damage and/or malfunctions, but must be fulfilled within 10 minutes from the moment of receipt of the car.
If the tenant member detects damage and/or malfunction other than what is stated on the PLATFORM, he/she must immediately photograph and/or document this situation as stipulated on the PLATFORM. Similarly, if he detects any malfunction when he starts using the car, he is obliged to immediately report the situation to the PLATFORM.
If it is necessary to terminate the use of the car due to the nature of the malfunction and/or damage and this situation can be determined within the framework of the attention and care of the tenant member, the tenant member must park the car in a suitable place as soon as possible and notify the PLATFORM that the car is unfit for the road.
The tenant member is responsible to the lessor member for any damage or loss that may occur due to failure to fulfill the notification obligation.
• The renter member must also inspect the cleanliness of the car when receiving it. If the renter member thinks that the car is not clean, he must document the situation with photographs taken at the time of receiving the car and upload them to the PLATFORM.
Otherwise, it is assumed that the car is delivered clean, and if the car is delivered unclean by the tenant member, the cleaning fee specified in the warnings, signs or texts in the PLATFORM, which is an annex to the contract, will be collected from the credit card. For the part that cannot be collected, the lessor will be liable to the lessor.
• The tenant member must immediately report any damage, loss or malfunction that may occur during the use of the car via the PLATFORM. If it is necessary to terminate the use of the car due to the nature of the malfunction, loss and/or damage and this situation can be determined within the framework of the attention and care of the tenant member, the tenant member must park the car in a suitable place as soon as possible. The tenant member is responsible to the lessor member for any damage or loss that may occur due to failure to fulfill the notification obligation.
• If the renter member uses the car in a way that causes damage or loss, or attempts to steal the car or disassemble its parts, ClickGooo will take the necessary steps to prevent the lessor from incurring any damage, including cooperating with the law enforcement units and taking advantage of the opportunities provided by the telemetry device - such as locking the engine of the car, if possible. The tenant member knows this issue.
• The tenant member is responsible to the lessor for the part of the damage and loss suffered by the car that cannot be covered by the insurance policy, provided that there is an appropriate causal link. However, the lessor member cannot claim loss of value as actual damage from the lessee member. Because the renter member is not responsible for the loss of value of the car.
However, if the loss of value is guaranteed under the insurance policy of the lessor member, the fact that the lessee member is not responsible for the loss of value does not mean limiting the rights of the lessor member against the insurer.
The tenant member is also responsible to the lessor member for the loss of income that the tenant member is deprived of. For example, if the car cannot be rented for a week due to the faulty use of the renter member, the renter member is obliged to compensate the renter member's loss of income.
These payments for material damage will be collected from the tenant member's credit card registered on the PLATFORM; The lessor member's right to receivable regarding the uncollected portion is reserved. ClickGooo is not under any liability towards the lessor as it acts as a broker, except for the cars it rents on its own behalf.
• When the renter member receives the car, he is obliged to take photos of the car in accordance with the conditions stipulated on the PLATFORM.
• After parking the car properly for delivery, the tenant member is obliged to take photographs of the car in accordance with the conditions stipulated on the PLATFORM in order to detect any damage and/or malfunctions that may have occurred during use.
• The renter member must return the car rented through the PLATFORM with the same amount of fuel as when he received it. If the amount at the time of delivery is less than the amount at the time of pickup, the TL equivalent of the relevant difference amount will be collected from the credit card defined by the tenant member in the system. If there is insufficient balance on the credit card, the tenant member will be responsible to the lessor for this debt. • The renter member consents and accepts that information about the car such as mileage, location and fuel consumption will be instantly shared with the PLATFORM and the lessor via the telemetry device in the rented car. • At the end of the rental period, the tenant member must do the following:
• Must leave the car in a clean condition;
• Must close all windows and sunroof;
• Make sure all lights and accessories are turned off;
• Must not leave any personal belongings in the car;
• He must return the car with the same amount of fuel as when he received it;
• Must lock the car;
• Must take photographs clearly showing all exterior surfaces and interior of the car and upload them to the PLATFORM - as shown on the PLATFORM;
• Must exercise due care and follow the car owner's instructions, if any; In case of violation of any of these, the renter member will be held responsible for the damages arising from the loss or damage that may occur in the car and an amount will be collected according to the tariff prepared as warning, sign and text, which is stated on the PLATFORM and serves as an annex to the contract.
• The tenant member knows and accepts the following: if he continues to use the car despite the rental period being exceeded and there is no notification and approved rental period extension, if he does not return the car within 6 hours after the end of the rental period, this will be considered a crime. and ClickGooo or the lessor will: • Report that the car has been unlawfully seized;
• The tenant will take steps to locate, recover and repossess the car without further notice to the member, and will work with a third party to recover the car.
• If the car is found to be illegally parked, apparently abandoned, or used or obtained in a manner prohibited under this agreement, after reasonable attempts have been made to contact the renter member, ClickGooo and/or the lessor may recover the car or employ a third party to recover the car. may appoint one person. No regulation within the scope of this agreement aims to limit the legal rights of the lessor member against the tenant member.
• The renter member is responsible for any amounts such as administrative fines, parking fines, parking fees and/or fines, HGS (Fast Pass System) fees and/or penalties, car towing fees and fines that may arise from the time of receiving the car until the moment of delivery. The tenant member is aware that the relevant amounts will be collected from the credit card registered on the PLATFORM and will be responsible to the lessor for the uncollected amount.
• If the tenant member acts contrary to his responsibilities under the contract, he is aware that if there is a suitable causal link, the damage that may arise will be collected from the credit card registered to the PLATFORM and he will be responsible to the lessor for the uncollected amount.
• The tenant member will not use the car for unlawful purposes or in an unlawful manner. In this context, since the use of the car for the transportation and management of prohibited goods such as drugs will constitute a crime, if such a case is detected, the situation will be reported to the police units. Additionally, the tenant member agrees that he will not drive under the influence of alcohol. The tenant member is responsible for any damage that the lessor member may suffer due to non-compliance with this article.
• The tenant member's driver's license must not have been suspended/cancelled due to drunk driving or any other reason within the last year. • If the tenant member loses the qualifications stipulated in the contract or in cases at ClickGooo's discretion based on other reasons, his membership is suspended or canceled in terms of rental transactions; However, if the member has a car(s) defined on the PLATFORM to rent, he/she can continue as a lessor member. At this point, it should not be forgotten that elements such as warnings, signs, writings and tables on the PLATFORM are annexes to the contract. These conditions are General Matters and the LESSOR is obliged to comply with the provisions of the contract presented by the LESSER within the scope of the issues to be determined by the LESSER and the approval of the contracts. In case of conflict between the above-mentioned obligations and the LESSER's obligations, the valid obligation is the obligations in the LESSER's contract. 8. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE LESSER MEMBER
• The lessor member can freely determine the rental price of the car. The rental fee, after deducting the brokerage fee, is deposited into your account on the same day of the next week following the rental transaction. • The lessor member is obliged to pay the brokerage fee stipulated on the PLATFORM. The brokerage fee will be deducted from the payment made by the tenant member to the lessor member upon the establishment of the lease agreement. Situations where ClickGooo provides space on the PLATFORM to rent out its own cars or the cars of others based on its right to sub-lease are reserved.
• The lessor member will keep the car ready for use at the place, date and time shown in the reservation for reservations made by the lessor member. • The lessor member will take into account his tax liabilities. ClickGooo is not responsible for the member's tax liabilities.
• The lessor member knows the conditions under which the car will be rented within the scope of this agreement and accepts that ClickGooo only acts as a broker in potential rental agreements. Situations where ClickGoooN places its own cars on the PLATFORM to rent out its own cars or the cars of others based on its right to sub-lease are reserved.
• The lessor member must take out an insurance policy that covers the risk of aggravation of the risk of renting the car he wants to add to the PLATFORM, as well as roadside assistance, and upload this document to the PLATFORM. In addition, if optional financial liability insurance, which includes a certain amount of coverage, is not included in the underwritten policy, a separate policy for this must also be uploaded to the system.
• The lessor member will upload all information and images regarding his car to the PLATFORM in a realistic manner.
• The lessor will send the invoice resulting from the leasing transaction to the e-mail address of the tenant member.
• Making the registered cars added to the PLATFORM by the lessor member suitable for leasing by the lessor constitutes a 'suggestion' (requirement) regarding the establishment of a contract within the scope of the Turkish Code of Obligations. If this offer is accepted by the tenant member, a rental agreement is established between the lessor member and the tenant member and the lessor member is aware of this. In rental transactions, a 'Distance Sales Agreement and Preliminary Information Form' will be drawn up between the tenant member and the lessor member within the framework of the terms and conditions of this agreement. The lessor member consents to the Distance Sales Agreement and Preliminary Information Form mentioned.
• The lessor member is responsible for the maintenance and repair of the rented car. However, if damage or loss occurs while the car is under the responsibility of the renter member, the renter member is responsible to the lessor member for the part that cannot be recourse to insurance.
• Except for cases that may constitute a justified reason, the Distance Sales Agreement established between the tenant member and the lessor member cannot be terminated within the rental period. After the relevant period expires, the lessor member may remove his car from the PLATFORM as provided in this agreement. For example, if the lessor member has made his car available for rent on the PLATFORM from 13:00 on 02.07.2023 until 13:00 on 04.07.2023, and the car has been rented by the lessor member for one day at 17:00 on 02.07.2023. The lessor member cannot terminate the distance selling agreement until the end of the relevant rental agreement.
• The lessor agrees to share information such as photos, license plates, videos, equipment and belongings of the member car, location and fuel, etc., with members and non-members using the PLATFORM and with ClickGooo, and agrees to share the relevant information with public institutions, including the police, when necessary, by ClickGooo. expressly consents to receiving third party support for this sharing.
• The lessor member will send the invoice regarding the rental transaction to the e-mail address defined by the tenant member on the PLATFORM. If an invoice is not issued, ClickGooo and the tenant member may request an invoice from the lessor. Despite this, if the invoice is not issued, ClickGooo may take legal action to protect its commercial reputation. Situations where ClickGooo provides space on the PLATFORM to rent out its own cars or the cars of others based on its right to sub-lease are reserved.
• If the renting member loses the qualifications stipulated in the contract or in cases at ClickGooo's discretion based on other reasons, his membership is suspended or canceled. At this point, it should not be forgotten that elements such as warnings, signs, writings and tables on the PLATFORM are annexes to the contract.
• The lessor member is aware that ClickGooo is not committed to the continuity of the PLATFORM or to provide service for a certain minimum period of time (such as one year) regarding the service it provides. If ClickGooo terminates the service it provides through the PLATFORM at any day and time after the establishment of this contract, the lessor member will not claim any compensation. If the lessor member has incurred fees and expenses to register his car to the PLATFORM, he knows that these fees and expenses will remain his own responsibility and accepts that he will not request them from ClickGooo.
• This contract is valid starting from the date of signature. The parties may give notice of termination of the contract at any time without giving any reason and without incurring the obligation to pay compensation, provided that the rights of the parties and third party members are reserved. If free goods or services are provided within the scope of a campaign provided by ClickGooo, responsibilities and conditions such as refunds and penalties stipulated in the relevant campaign are reserved. Termination notification is made in writing and the contract is terminated on the fifth day following the notification. If the member has lost the qualification to become a member or if ClickGooo learns or detects that there are untruths and/or incompleteness in the membership documents, ClickGooo reserves the right to terminate immediately.
• In case of termination, the tenant member is responsible for the fees and expenses arising from the violation of the contract during the rental period and the fees and expenses arising from the use. Termination does not remove the lessor member's right to claim these fees and expenses. In case of termination, all debts arising from this agreement and not paid until the date of termination become due. In this case, the tenant member's rights and opportunities regarding the use of the car ON THE PLATFORM expire.
• Distance Contracts Regulation art. In accordance with Article 15/1-g, 'contracts regarding accommodation, goods transportation, car rental, food and beverage supply and utilization of free time for entertainment or recreation purposes, which must be made on a certain date or period' are excluded from the right of withdrawal and members do not have the right to withdraw within this scope. . Members know and accept this issue. However, in cases where the car is reserved for a future date and/or time, the right to cancellation and refund is reserved within the withdrawal period stipulated in the PLATFORM.
• With respect to personal information, ClickGooo will comply with all relevant privacy legislation and the Privacy Policy. You can find the Privacy Policy on the Website. The terms of the Privacy Policy form part of this Agreement. The Privacy Policy governs how personal information is collected, used, stored and disclosed.
• Antalya Courts and Antalya Enforcement Offices have jurisdiction in disputes between the parties.
• Turkish Law will be applied in any disputes that may arise between the parties.
• ClickGooo reserves the right to unilaterally change the terms specified in this agreement. The member reserves the right to terminate the contract due to unilateral change of the contract or the text, tables, warnings and signs on the PLATFORM as an annex.